Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Kip is my dog. He is a Yorkie, and anyone who knows will say he is VERY hyper!!!!! But he is also a spoiled brat. Kip is one years old and about six pounds. If you wanna check out his blog here is the address http://superboisrcool.blogspot.com it is a little messed up right now. [the posts are backwards] That is a picture of him!


RC HAMMER said...

First an email address, now a blog!?! Kip most have all of the sweet hook-ups.

I see you got a picture.

I was going to say a lot more... but I can't remember what.

Oh yeah.

You can ride the big new four wheeler now? That's awesome. Ever take it off any sweet jumps?

Sorry. I'm quoting a lot of Napoleon Dynamite.

GOD bless.

RC Hammer

Abbey said...


Of course he has a blog. and its all messed up but i dont really jump the 4wheeler.Come up some time.


RC HAMMER said...